January 12, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Cyber incidents are fast moving and increasing in number and severity. When a cyber incident occurs, the attacked enterprise responds with a set of predetermined actions. Get
January 12, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
The quality of public transport is one of the major criteria in assessing the quality of life in a city. Public transport is set to be a main artery of the world’s smartest
January 11, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Streamline, automate, and reduce the cost of derivatives processing by eliminating disjointed, redundant processing and the associated reconciliation costs with the Depository
January 10, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Monitor your online presence, track the performance of your brand and benchmark it against that of your competitors and specific KPIs to measure customer satisfaction, gauge
January 10, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
For most parents, the prospect of leaving their children at home alone can inspire fears ranging from minor mishaps to major disaster. There is always concern about what the kids
January 6, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Cyber incidents are fast moving and increasing in number and severity. When a cyber incident occurs, the attacked enterprise responds with a set of predetermined actions. Get
January 6, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Just about everything these days has gone digital. Newspapers, television and other traditional media outlets have all seen themselves at least partially supplanted by their
January 5, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
A new wave of technologies – such as blockchain, digital wallets and robo-advice – is revolutionising the way money is being managed, controlled and distributed. Gone are the
January 3, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Monitor your online presence, track the performance of your brand and benchmark it against that of your competitors and specific KPIs to measure customer satisfaction, gauge
January 3, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized | Infosystems | 0
Smart homes are for sure an upcoming challenge. If research works tend to explore and share promising results concerning this concept, adoption by industry would imply many