Anglo African weekly news wrap on trending cyber-attacks, to keep you alert

April 3, 2020

Officials believe a hostile foreign actor attempted to implement a cyber attack against the US Health and Human Services’ (HHS) computer systems as it was responding to the global coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report. HHS suffered the attempted cyber attack the prior night, in which those responsible reportedly intended to slow the agency’s systems. The news outlet cited three unidentified sources, who spoke anonymously to discuss the previously unknown attack.

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Google released security patches to stomp out high-severity vulnerabilities in its Chrome browser. Patches for all the bugs Google disclosed in its security advisory roll out over the next few days. Overall, eight security bugs were addressed in Chrome browser version 80.0.3987.162 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The most severe of these flaws could allow for arbitrary code execution, according to the Center for Internet Security (CIS).

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Old phishing kits are being pressed into service to keep up with the unprecedented volume of new scams that exploit the pandemic. Phishing attacks looking to take advantage of interest and fear around the COVID-19 health crisis are becoming a pandemic themselves – and apparently cybercriminals are looking to conserve resources by leaning on their older stockpiles of weapons to keep the infection wave going.

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Researchers have discovered threat actors once again capitalizing on the COVID-19 pandemic and current attention on the World Health Organization (WHO) with a new spearphishing email designed to spread the LokiBot trojan sent using the WHO trademark as a lure.

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The National Health Service might be at risk of cyber attacks, a new white paper on NHS cybersecurity has said. Written by researchers from Imperial College London’s Institute of Global Health Innovation, led by Professor Ara Darzi, the paper said urgent measures needed to be taken to defend against threats to patient safety. The findings were presented on Tuesday at the House of Lords.

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On April 3, 2020

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