The digital wallet, an intelligent payment solution

April 26, 2017

Globally, there is tremendous interest among policy makers, academicians, and commercial enterprises to explore the possibilities of moving towards a cashless economy and remove friction. The problem with the traditional modes of payment is inconvenience, lack of security, coverage and time involved inthat process. The digital wallet by NanoBNK is a blanket descriptor for a range of technologies that let you perform many tasks.

Why NanoBNK Digital Wallet:

  • Compelling value proposition (not just another cool technology)
  • Access to a large captive customer base
  • Leveraging NextGen technology
  • Bundling payments and loyalty

NanoBNK Digital Wallet

The digital wallet is based on encryption software that substitutes for your old, analog wallet during monetary transactions. You benefit from the protection and convenience. Merchants benefit because they are more protected against fraud and they sell more products, faster.

Digital wallet system is integral part of electronic commerce. In an electronic commerce environment, payment take form of money exchange in digital form by using digital wallet and are therefore called digital payment. It provides the ability to carry out secure transactions that are very quick and efficient with the click of a button. Here are a few benefits (the 4 ‘S’) of adopting NanoBNK Digital wallet:

  • Simple

Shop where you want, how you want. Simplify the way you pay with a secure digital wallet.

  • Secure

NanoBNK digital wallet makes it easy to shop without sharing your financial information. We use multiple layers of security to protect your payment information and privacy.

  • Smart

Whether you’re home, at lunch, or on a train, you’re in control. Get the inside scoop on deals relevant to you.

  • Saving Time

Our digital wallet reduces the amount of time needed to do transactions. It keeps the amount in electronic mode so that it is easier to make online payments without entering any card details.

The Anglo African team can assist you in unlocking the full potential of FinTech for the prosper of your business. If you have any queries, or if you would like further information, please contact us on 2331636 or by e-mail at

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» Blog, Uncategorized » The digital wallet, an intelligent...
On April 26, 2017

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