News wrap on trending cyber-attacks

August 24, 2017

Identity theft is reaching “epidemic levels”, according to a fraud prevention group, with people in their 30s the most targeted group. ID fraudsters obtain personal information before pretending to be that individual and apply for loans or store cards in their name.

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Online criminals are keeping the faith with, with more and more nuisance messages being sent today than ever before. Figures from IBM have shown that spam email remains a key tool for hackers, with the volume of such messages increasing 400 per cent in the past year.

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Kaspersky Lab researcher Roman Unuchek spotted an uptick in WAP-billing trojan-clickers from different cyber criminal groups targeting users in Russia and India.

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Wikileaks has released new files part of the Vault 7 series it claims it obtained from the CIA. The files dumped online yesterday reveal details about the inner workings of a biometrics system developed by the CIA, and which the agency has provided to various liaison services, such as the DHS, FBI, and NSA.

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» Blog, Uncategorized » News wrap on trending cyber-attacks
On August 24, 2017

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