Insurance gets a mobile makeover with mobile-centric insurance tech.

May 25, 2016

The future of insurance is mobile. The advancements in mobile technology has changed the way insurance providers operate. Owing to the convenience and portability offered by mobile apps of insurance service providers, they have gained popularity.

From mobile insurance apps that allow consumers claim damages instantly to enterprise productivity apps that keep insurance agents connected to their offices round the clock. Mobile insurance apps are playing an important role in raising the bar of customer service.

Why an insurance app?

Mobile if the fastest growing technology since the internet began. Insurance apps can provide your clients with an on the go solution. User’s features include the ability to take any type of claim photos, download documents, receive push-messages, record witness statements, set appointments email information and much more.

Key reasons why insurers should turn to mobile tech includes:

  • To offer services through the mobile channel
  • To broaden their customer base with clients who demand self-service options
  • To boost satisfaction among agents and policyholders with modern customer service tools

Smart Features of insurance app:

  • Buy/Renew policies: Policyholders can buy and renew policies using mobile phones. A customer wanting to purchase a motor policy can obtain quotes instantaneously through mobile application for buying or renewing policies.
  • Confluence of policies on one window: Say you have a motor insurance and a home insurance with the same insurer. In such cases, not only does the mobile application service your motor insurance needs, it also provides a confluence of various other policies bought by you from the same insurance company.
  • Click to file a claim: The mobile app allows a customer to click a picture of the damaged part of the vehicle and share the same with the insurer to lodge a claim. By using this feature, a customer can save precious time in claim intimation compared to the traditional approach.
  • Medical aid at the touch of a finger: Similar to using GPS technology to locate garages, insurance companies now allow customers to locate the address of the closest hospital directly from a mobile app in case of emergency situations.
  • Simplifying Claims Processing: Mobile insurance apps are making the process of making claims hassle free. It also lessens the workload of insurance employees.
  • Enhancing the Knowledge of Insurance Agents: A smartphone or tablet can be conveniently used to impart training to insurance agents. The training material can be uploaded online from where it can be easily accessed by the insurance agent depending on the area of interest.
  • Instantly Generate Quotes for Customers: If insurance agents can generate quotes instantly for their customers, they will certainly have an edge over the competition.
  • Finalize a Deal in First Meeting: A mobile insurance app can help insurance agents to get quotes instantly and in case the buyer is willing to buy the policy they can sign the documents digitally via insurance agent’s mobile device and make the final payment via a mobile card reader.

Mobile insurance apps are proving to be highly beneficial and convenient for insurance companies, agents and consumers.

Using mobile insurance apps is no longer an option, but rather a necessity to surge ahead of their competitors and provide excellent customer service. Contact Anglo African consulting team for more details on 2331636 or

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On May 25, 2016

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