Digital Transformation in the Human Resources Management space …

February 29, 2016

Given the unlimited use of technology in most departments of an organisation, it comes as no surprise that the HR function has also benefited over the last two decades [a brief history of HR and technology below]. However, Digital Transformation is having an even deeper impact on how the organisation interacts, engages and empowers its people from startups like ourselves to global corporation like GE. It has revisited all the processes from hire to retire functions and it has greatly changed the way managers and employees gain access to human resource intel which leads to actionable insights.

Previously the main focus of HR was on how to efficiently process employee paperwork but today the focus is more on business execution. While in the past the use of technology was challenging due to its complexity, great advances in the area of UI [User Interface], UX [User Experience], Cloud Architecture and others have simplified its use thanks to our friends from Facebook, Apple, LInkedIn, etc … In this blog, we consider the three key USP of the latest innovation which is the HR Mobile App available on AppStore and GooglePlay:

The HR App enables seamless Interaction with the employees as the App is secured and integrated with the company’s wireless network. It therefore providing managers and employees with easier, on-the-go access to the programs and information they require based on the full collaboration and communication thread, inspired from the most popular social networks, minimising change management and jockeying on its addictiveness!

The HR App is also a great source of Engagement as it provides a private space where employees can engage into self service which is mobile and uses latest UI & UX techniques of visualisation, improving workflow efficiency. An example is: Leave requests which can get stuck in inbox purgatory, decreasing workplace efficiency – but is now one touch away and employees can monitor the status of their request in real time.

The HR App assist in the Empowerment by helping management and colleagues recognise and applaud employees for their performance and/or feedback in realtime. Managers and employees can better keep track of Performance goals, birthdays, and most important feedback from those located outside the head-office or in remote locations. Sharing of key customer interfacing information at the last minute, as well…

A History of HR and Technology from HRO 1.0 to HR 3.0

Starting in 1998, HRO 1.0 was the first attempt to outsource HR processes to outside parties. HRO 1.0 was characterised by vendors assuming responsibility for a customer’s existing HR processes and landscapes. It was mainly generalists and acting as the general manager of the HR function.

HRO 2.0 sought to answer many of the shortcomings of HRO 1.0 through the introduction of process mapping, transition plans, system audits and service-level agreements. It centered on the belief that HR professionals and managers should be empowered to collaborate on HR issues; a greater integration of processes coupled with a focus on user experience helped make this a reality. However, for all of the advancements of HRO 2.0, issues still arose as companies looked to translate technologies globally, standardize processes and scale technologies.

Then came HRO 3.0 is the latest evolution in human resources outsourcing. It integrates HR administration, payroll, analytics and talent management into a single, cloud-based delivery system and Digital Transformation. HRO 3.0 is different from earlier generations in that it puts the user at the heart of HR. It encourages managers, HR executives and organisations to use HR analytics to make more strategic decisions. It is standardized but highly configurable, empowering companies to explore various deployment options and choose which functions should be outsourced. Because it is an integrated system that can be deployed globally.

While Digital Transformation plays a critical role HRM evolution by coming closer to its objectives of keeping employees engaged, motivated and productive, technology by itself will not create this change. HR leaders must effectively use this transformation to drive more business relevant conversations and other relevant strategies with line leaders. Should you require additional information on Digital Transformation in HRM, talk to our Digital team on 2331636 or

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» Blog, Uncategorized » Digital Transformation in the Human...
On February 29, 2016

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