Digital Transformation in the Event Industry

May 4, 2017

Digital transformation is not just apparent through cutting-edge high-tech solutions during events. Virtual Reality glasses for a breath-taking spatial experience, event information via an App or Smart Watches as a teleprompter. Cutting-edge, high-tech solutions provide a big wow factor and help to increase the appeal of an event. Digital transformation in the event industry is also apparent through new digital approaches, such as the use of cloud-based event management solutions and opportunities to revise and optimise existing processes. Going digital is not a short-lived trend but has become reality for all event planners.

Digital Solutions Are Making Event Planning Easier

All event organisation phases are affected by digitalisation in the event industry. A good indicator of this development being perceived as an opportunity rather than as a risk is reflected in the answer of three-quarters of organisers who noticed a significant improvement, particularly in the area of event preparation, after using digital technologies. They believe for example that both event marketing and event organisation (59% each) are the two areas that are influenced by digital transformation the most.

The most frequently used tools in this process are digital solutions for email campaigns and for event marketing.

  • Digital Offers Have Improved the Event Experience

One of the key goals of using digital solutions is to save time and to thereby simplify organisational processes. Most of the organisers hope to increase efficiency through the use of event management solutions. The fact that three-quarters of organisers want to expand this area in the future is another indicator that event organisers are opting for the use of digital event management solutions in the long run.  Digital event management solutions help you to save time and resources.

  • Digitalisation is an Opportunity, Not a Risk

 Despite their technical complexity and data safety concerns, the opportunities offered by digital solutions outweigh their issues for organisers and attendees. Besides all the advantages that seem to come with the use of digital event management solutions, organisers regard their technical complexity and data safety concerns as the biggest disadvantages and risks. Nevertheless, more than three-quarters consider digitalisation to most likely be a safe endeavour.

The times of digital technologies being peripheral phenomena are long gone. They are rather in the process of conquering the established trade fair and event business. Both event organisers and attendees see a great opportunity in this area. It is important that organisers put a stronger focus on their attendees’ needs and tailor the use of digital solutions towards them in the future. Furthermore, digital solutions will have to become increasingly more user-friendly for organisers and attendees alike.


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On May 4, 2017

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