Digital transformation; a welcome earthquake for the education sector.

September 29, 2016

The digital era is reshaping industries of all kinds, classroom teaching shall not be the most effective way of transferring knowledge. A new wave of tech-driven delivery models is presenting the education sector with an opportunity to dramatically enhance the quality of learning — and the results that students and businesses can expect.

When the education sector embraces technology

Technology is revolutionizing the way students of all ages are taught – from the spread of computers in the classroom to the growth of massive open online courses

The opportunities for growth in the educational technology market are huge. The global market for ‘edtech’, or educational technology, was worth $67.8bn in 2015. The e-learning market was valued at a further $165bn, but it is expected to grow to $243.8bn by 2022.

The higher education industry continues to make progress on its digital transformation journey. But with cost reduction a growing priority, financial concerns could yet get in the way of its digital aspirations.

Disruptive innovation happening

If students still need to read a textbook, it’s now easier to find a second-hand copy by going online rather than paying the full price.

Students in the US can borrow more than 5m textbooks from BookRenter, the first rental website of its kind in the US, which launched in 2006. eBay and Amazon make it easy for students to buy second-hand books at the start of term and sell them again once they’re finished.

To stay ahead, education companies have been forced to reinvent themselves as education technology providers and product inventors. In fact, the shift from hard-copy paper to software has created clear advantages for publishers. For example, growing pressure on both schools and universities to cut costs while improving their examination results has fuelled strong demand for digital learning solutions.

The online future for higher education

All contemporary digital threats can be met by universities, if they compete. The global digital landscape is driving everyone towards becoming a lifelong learner. This represents the biggest opportunity that the higher education sector has seen since its inception.

‘The Digital Campus’ is the latest thinking, it demonstrates the opportunities available to universities, if they stop thinking of their online estates as siloed websites and student portals and instead see them as a single joined up ‘digital campus’. It also offers an answer to an age old problem – how to maintain and leverage a vibrant university community after its members leave the campus.

Benefits of digital education sector:

  • Automation will make most of the activities in the organization easily manageable.
  • Time and money of the organization will be saved.
  • Commercial learning contents and other services will contribute to financial benefits.
  • Identification of students, employees and visitors is verified at the gate itself for security purpose.
  • Perform online exam and view exam results
  • Through the effective and advanced technology based teaching tools, equal transfer of knowledge is imparted from a teacher to each and every student.
  • Students will show interest in learning and be able to memorize many concepts through 3D interactive- audio-visual teaching contents.
  • Students will be allured to get admission in such organization since it will give the better result as compared to other schools which cannot provide such integrated feature-based learning and management system.
  • Communication between staff to staff in the school and student related activities becomes faster.

Digital technologies therefore offer the chance for individualized, tailored, accelerated and more effective learning for more people. So why hasn’t the education sector adopted these technologies. If you want to know about the power of digital transformation, Anglo African team can help you,  do contact Naazreen on 2331636 or via e-mail at

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» Blog, Uncategorized » Digital transformation; a welcome earthquake...
On September 29, 2016

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