Anglo African weekly news wrap on trending cyber-attacks, to keep you alert

December 6, 2018

Cyber crime is the biggest evolving crime type in the UK and beyond in terms of volume and complexity, according to detective chief superintendent Pete O’Doherty, lead of cyber and head of economic crime at the City of London Police. “But it is difficult to police, because unlike other crimes where there is an offender, victim and location, cyber crime tends to be multi-national. If you look at the globalisation of goods, people and services, and an epic evolution in technology, it is without doubt the most significant harm in the UK,” he told the information security track of the International Security Expo 2018 in London.

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Android users are being warned about some dangerous apps that were found on the Google Play Store which are loaded with nefarious malware. Android is one of the most used pieces of software in the world, with more than two billion active devices running Google’s mobile OS every month. But it has also been the subject of a number of high profile security risks, including the Judy malware campaign.

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The fight over who gets to have the most-subscribed channel on YouTube spilled into the real world months ago when Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg fans started campaigning to raise awareness of the Swedish star. The grassroots effort has, for the most part, been in good fun — but recently, people on social media have reported being hacked by someone who is urging them to subscribe to PewDiePie.

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Cyber attacks are increasingly causing acrimonious fights between corporate victims and their insurance companies, raising questions about the value of policies offering protection against damage from hacking. Cyber insurance is a fast-growing market, with sales of policies growing by about 25 per cent a year according to a recent report from RBC Capital Markets. But as the business expands there are growing numbers of disputes.

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