Anglo African weekly news wrap on trending cyber-attacks, to keep you alert

May 10, 2018

Five academics from the Vrije University in Amsterdam and one from the University of Cyprus have discovered a way for launching Rowhammer attacks via network packets and network cards. Their discovery makes Rowhammer attacks easier and much more convenient to launch, as an attacker only needs to bombard a victim’s network card with specially-crafted packets.

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In the web browser war, Mozilla is positioning itself to dominate over the competition with its release of Firefox 60, which includes the option of a password-less signin. The latest version of the Firefox browser uses a Web Authentication API, WebAuthn for short, which enables authentication using public key cryptography, taking credentials management to a new level.

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Organizations are often so hyper-focused on securing the network perimeter they overlook the fact that a lot of corporate data on mobile devices is making them the preferred target for phishing attacks. In fact, the rate at which people fall for phishing attacks has increased 85 percent every year since 2011, according to mobile security startup Lookout.

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Two-factor authentication may not be the panacea of securing access to online accounts that many believe it is as KnowBe4’s Kevin Mitnick shows how easily this defensive measure can be spoofed.

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A new “nasty”  Facebook Messenger malware has been uncovered that can install without you knowing and steal your passwords. Called FacexWorm, the malware was spotted by consumer tech radio host Kim Komando and is apparently being used by cybercriminals to communicate their latest phishing scheme to innocent users.

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On May 10, 2018

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