Infosystems weekly news wrap on trending cyber-attacks, to keep you alert

September 25, 2020

A year ago, researchers found that 2.2 billion leaked records, known as Collection 1-5, were being passed around by hackers. This ‘mega leak’ included 1.2 billion unique email addresses and password combinations, 773 million unique email addresses and 21 million plaintext passwords. With this treasure trove, hackers can simply test email and password combinations on different sites, hoping that a user has reused one. This popular technique is known as credential stuffing and is the culprit of many recent data breaches.With only a few months left in 2020, let’s reflect on the major data breaches that have occurred so far and brace ourselves for what is to come:

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As the pandemic drags on and remote workforces stay remote, zero-trust and other lessons learned should come to the fore.
As states deal with re-opening and in some cases, re-closing, the reality is that for many organizations, remote work will play a significant role in business through 2020 and beyond. And so will increased cybercriminal activity, as demonstrated by a 131 percent increase in viruses and about 600 new phishing attacks a day when the pandemic started.

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According to the same study, only 64% of the most mature project management teams deliver a project on time, and only 67% of projects are delivered on budget. When you compare those KPIs to low maturity project teams, only 36% of projects are delivered on time and 43% are on budget.

Unnoticed Project Wastefulness
There are many reasons for the excessive waste and poor project performance—a lack of visibility into financials for a given project, disconnected software applications, manual processes, workarounds to derive data from siloed information. Some traditional supply chain solutions provide data as sources for some of the project metrics, but they often don’t provide the detailed insight that a project manager needs to course correct quickly to prevent waste or knowing when to adjust supplies

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Source: Oracle Cloud Applications Blog

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On September 25, 2020

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