Cyber crime is likely to increase, despite the best efforts of government agencies and cyber security experts. Its growth is being driven by the expanding number of services available online and the increasing sophistication of cyber criminals who are engaged in a cat-and-mouse game with security experts. With the right level of preparation and specialist external assistance, it is possible to control damages, and recover from a cyber breach and its consequences.
It is possible for any common network router to secretly leak sensitive information such as employee passwords or company data, according to recent research from experts at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) Cyber Security Research Center (CSRC). In a research paper published by the university, researchers explained how they used the LED light on a network router to covertly send data. Using a proprietary form of malware, the team was able to override the router and control the LED that is traditionally used to convey the status of the device, a BGU press release said.
Kaspersky Labs complains to the EU, claiming Microsoft deliberately obstructs third party vendors to the detriment of users and security. Kaspersky claims Microsoft is abusing its dominant position in the operating system market to stop people purchasing third party security software and boost Windows Defender. In complaints to both the European Commission (EC) and the German Federal Cartel Officer, the Russian cybersecurity firm alleges that the behaviour of Windows 10 and how it suppresses antivirus software eliminates choice, weakens protection and results in losses for both users and vendors.
The security firm Check Point says it has found a malware infection of staggering scope and destructive potential. Originating in China, the “Fireball” malware package is believed to have infected more than 250 million computers worldwide and is present on 20% of corporate networks, with major infection centers in India, Brazil, and Mexico. Check Point calls it “possibly the largest infection operation in history.” The malevolent software appears to be mainly intended to generate fake clicks and traffic for its creator, a Beijing advertising firm called Rafotech. When installed, the software redirects a user’s browser to websites that mimic the look of the Google or Yahoo search homepages.
The director-general of France’s National Cybersecurity Agency has warned of a ‘permanent war’ online between states and criminal or extremist organisations.
He argues different countries, not just Western nations, need to unite against hackers.